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(This page was updated on: 10/27/11)
Purpose of This Site
Provide the Knights of San Jose Bailiwick No. 1, of The Religious and Military Order of Knights of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, with announcements of upcoming events and to be an archive for written and pictorial accounts of events in which the Knights of the Bailiwick participate. Furthermore, this site will provide the guest with links to other sites that represent the true tenants of Chivalry, as well as pertinent related information regarding Knighthood, Nobility, Royalty, and the like.
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This site provides information about San Jose Bailiwick No. 1, the Knights of the Bailiwick, and activities of the Bailiwick to all interested parties. We will also provide links to websites that offer authentic and unbiased information about modern heraldry, chivalry, nobility, and royalty.
Bailiwick Hosts Picnic with the Uriel House:
Every Summer, the Knights and friends of San Jose Bailiwick #1 bring the makings for a BBQ and picnic to the Uriel House residents -- the focus of our Bailiwick's charitable service. There is always plenty of food and good company. In fact, we usually leave more food than we consume. The residents were hesitant to join the Knights at first, but have done so more and more with every BBQ. The residents, Knights, and friends enjoy each others company before, during, andafter the eating is finished. This activity is a success, as we were able to get better aquatinted with the residents. Because of this success, we continue to hold picnics every Summer. To see a few pictures from some the picnics, click HERE. To read more about the Uriel House and its mission, click HERE.
San Jose Bailiwick #1 Attends 15th Annual General
Assembly: Four of our Bailiwick Knights attended the 15th
Annual General Assembly of the Religious and Military Order of Knights of the Holy
Sepulchre of Jerusalem (RMOKHSJ) in Greeley Colorado, June 20th and 21st; and witnessed
the investing our the Bailiwick's newest Knight, The Right Honorable Chevalier Paul E.
Thompson: The four
Knights participated in and witnessed the making of Mr. Thompson into a Vigilant of our
Order, with other Vigilants, at a beautiful Episcopal Church on Friday night. It was
exciting to hear our friend, Vigilant Paul, take his vows, knowing what awaited him at the
Investiture ceremony the next day. On Saturday, Vigilant Thompson was invested with the
full honor and dignity of Knighthood by our Sovereign Grand Master, Count Palatine of
It was wonderful to join our fellow Knights and friends from all over the nation, and other countries. It was equally wonderful to be able to socialize with each other at the Knights' Banquet, Saturday evening. The food was good and the conversation was better. Many of the officers of San Jose Bailiwick #1 received promotion and honors at the banquet:
Order of Merit Appointments:
Promotions in Rank:
To see a few candid pictures from the Investiture Ceremony, please click HERE.
Bailiwick Officers and Squire Visit Other Knights' Investiture Ceremony:
On May 15, 1997, Chevalier Bailiff Fred Butler, Chevalier Marshal Giovanni Barile, and Squire Benjamin were privileged to represent the Grand Mastery of the RMOKHSJ at the Investiture ceremony of the Venerable Order of Saint Michael The Archangel - Police Legion, in Monterey, California. Sir Michael C. Kimball and Sir Roy B. Pierson were made Knights at a beautiful Mass and Investiture ceremony at the San Carlos Cathedral. Sir Dan Winger, KC, VOMAA-PL, presided at and conducted the Investiture ceremony. Sir Dan provided those of us from the RMOKHSJ, special seating of honor in the front row of the Cathedral with him. Furthermore, our delegation was honored to be individually introduced to all present by the Hon. Judge Price, Judge of the Superior Court of Monterey and Investiture Master of Ceremonies. It was truly an honor and a pleasure to attend and witness this beautiful ceremony. We congratulate these new Knights and their dear Ladies. To view photographs taken at the ceremony, press HERE.
San Jose Bailiwick was founded by Bailiff, Chevalier A. Fred Butler and Chaplain,
Chevalier, The Most Reverend, Michael Whitney, who were installed
and received the Bailiwick Warrant from The Religious and Military Order of Knights of the
Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem on January 19, 1996, A.D..
Since that time, the Bailiwick has grown to include the officers: Marshal, Seneschal, and
Chancellor (see the Officer Photo Gallery ); as well as a
number of Knights and one Squire in the San Jose/ San Francisco California area.
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San Jose Bailiwick No. 1 operates by strict observance to The Bailiwick Code issued by the International Headquarters of the Order and by observance of the Constitution of the Order. While the ordinances of the Constitution provide each Knight of the Order with a clear understanding of what is expected of him/her, The Bailiwick Code provides an outline and direction for the formation and functioning of a Bailiwick. Bailiwick status and membership guidelines are provided along with detailed descriptions of the duties of the Bailiwick Officers.
As the title of the Order implies, there is a spiritual side, or discipline, to being a Knight of the Holy Sepulchre. Moreover, the Bailiwick is required to observe a number special days or Observances of the Order. The Bailiff calls an Enclave and holds the Order's Knight's Chapel to accomplish these observances. Enclaves can be, and are, held to observe other special times (e.g. Christmas) or whenever the Bailiff deems an Enclave necessary.
In accordance to Chivalric tradition, San Jose Bailiwick has undertaken a philanthropic arm of service to mankind. The Knight's of San Jose Bailiwick have chosen to support the Uriel House, in San Jose, California. The Uriel House is a "dual diagnosis" home whose residents appreciate the attention and financial support provided by the Knights of the Bailiwick. As the Bailiwick is still very "young," we are working of more ways we can support the residents of Uriel House and hope to have more one-on-one interaction with the residents. For more detailed information on the Uriel House, click HERE.
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Special Activities of the Bailiwick:
Besides the Enclaves held by the Bailiwick (as mentioned in the "Structure" Section) the Knights of San Jose Bailiwick No. 1 have had the privilege of participating in special functions of the Order and attended functions sponsored by other Orders of Knighthood and Royal House.
San Jose Bailiwick No. 1 was privileged and proud to host the annual Investiture of Knights ceremonies in June of 1996. The Sovereign Grand Master presided. Please browse the Investiture '96 photo gallery to get a better idea of how special these ceremonies are.
In observance and commemoration of the 900th anniversary of Chevalier Godfrey de Bouillon's departure from Europe for the first Crusade to the Holy Land, the Royal and Serene House of Alabona-Ostrogojsk held a Royal Banquet on November 16, 1996 in Somerset New Jersey, USA. The Noble House of Maxalla and many Knights of the RMOKHSJ were invited to attend this very special, limited attendance, banquet. Bailiff Butler, Marshal Barile, and Squire Benjamin represented San Jose Bailiwick No. 1 at this affair. To view photographs taken at the banquet, press HERE.
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Distinguished Visitors of the Bailiwick:
San Jose Bailiwick No, 1 has enjoyed visits from a number of distinguished
individuals, who have traveled (sometimes great distances) to the Bailiwick to attend our
Enclaves and other functions.
We were honored to host the 1996 Annual Knightly Investiture Ceremonies, presided over by
our Sovereign Grand Master, His Grace, Lloyd
Douglas Worley, Duke de Maxalla.
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The Religious and Military Order of Knights of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem & The Ducal House of Maxalla
The Order of the Noble Companions of the Swan (Click Here to Contact The Order of the Noble Companions of the Swan)
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Copyright © 2000- 2011 Butler Enterprises. All Rights Reserved. This site was last updated on 10/27/11.