Installation of Founding Officers of

San Jose Bailiwick No. 1

(This page was updated on: 02/21/07)

On January 19, 1996, San Jose Bailiwick No. 1 of the Religious and Military Order of Knights of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem received its "Bailiwick Warrant" and "Founding" Bailiff Butler was installed at a special ceremony in Fremont, California, USA. Following Bailiff Butler's installation, Bailiff Butler installed "Founding" Chaplain, Bishop Michael Whitney. Bailiff Butler was installed by The Right Excellent Chevalier Matthew Haines, K.C.H.S., H.G.H.S. Knight Commander Haines is the Personal Equerry of the Sovereign Master and represented the Supreme Council of the Order.

The following photographs were taken at the event:


Knight Commander Matthew Haines installs and empowers Bailiff Butler.


(Left to right) Chaplain, Bishop Whitney, Knight Commander Haines, and Chevalier Bailiff Butler stand next to the Bailiwick Warrant which is signed and sealed by the Sovereign Grand Master, His Excellency, The Count Palatine of Maxalla, Dr. Lloyd Douglas Worley.


Knight Commander Matthew Haines presents Chevalier Bailiff Butler with his Warrant of Promotion to the rank of Knight Grand Commander.


Knight Commander Matthew Haines presents Chevalier Chaplain Bishop Whitney with his Warrant of Promotion to the rank of Knight Grand Commander.


Newly installed Chevalier Bailiff Butler pauses in front of the altar of the Bailiwick.

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This page created by Chevalier A. Fred Butler